Raitt, Jill, ed.

Christian spirituality : high Middle Ages and Reformation - New York Crossroad c1987 - xxiii, 479p.; ill.; bibliog. notes; bibliogs.; indexes - [World Spirituality: An Encyclopedic History of the Religious Quest: 17] .

Edited by Jill Raitt in collaboration with Bernard McGinn and John Meyendorff.

1 Apostolic life and church reform -- George H. Tavard. Part 1 - Schools and movements. 2 The mendicants. I. The spirituality of the Dominicans -- Simon Tugwell. II. The spirituality of the Franciscans -- J. A. Wayne Hellman. III. The spirituality of the Carmelites -- Keith J. Egan. IV. The spirituality of the Augustinians -- Adolar Zumkeller. 3 Major currents in late medieval devotion -- Richard Kieckhefer. 4 Spirituality and late scholasticism -- William J. Courtenay. 5 Religious women in the later Middle Ages -- Caroline Walker Bynum. 6 Schools of late medieval mysticism -- Alois Maria Haas. 7 Devotio moderna -- Otto Grundler. 8 The English mystics -- Bernard McGinn. 9 Spiritual life in Palamism -- George Mantzaridis. 10 Late medieval Russia: the possessors and the non-possessors -- Sergei Hackel. 11 Humanism. I. The spirituality of Renaissance humanism -- William J. Bouwsma. II. Ad fontes: The humanist understanding of scripture as nourishment for the soul -- James D. Tracy. 12 Luther and beginnings of the Reformation -- Marc Lienhard. 13 The spirituality of Zwingli and Bullinger in the Reformation of Zurich -- Fritz Busser. 14 The spirituality of John Calvin -- William J. Bouwsma. 15 The spirituality of the radical Reformation -- Timothy George. Part 2 -- Themes. 16 The humanity and the passion of Christ -- Ewert Cousins. 17 Marian devotion in the western church -- Elizabeth A. Johnson. 18 Liturgy and Eucharist. I. East -- Robert Taft. II. West -- James F. McCue. 19 Two visions of the church -- East and West on the eve of modern times -- John Meyendorff. 20 Saints and sinners -- Roman Catholic and Protestant spirituality in the sixteenth century -- Jill Raitt

'The second volume in the Christian spirituality trilogy covers the period from 1150 to 1600 and deals, in effect, with three quite different Christian traditions. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches had already broken apart in the eleventh century. The Protestant Reformation split Western Christianity in the sixteenth century, and by the year 1600 European Protestantism had taken on three basic forms: Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptist.'




Spiritual life--History of doctrines--Middle Ages, 600-1500
Spiritual life--History of doctrines--16th century

BV4490 .C48 1987