Kramer, Samuel Noah

The sacred marriage rite; aspects of faith, myth, and ritual in ancient Sumer - Bloomington, IN Indiana Univ. Press c1969 - xv, 170p.; illus.; bibliog. notes; glossary

1 The Sumerians; history, culture, and literature. 2 The poetry of Sumer; repetition, parallelism, epithet, simile. 3 The sacred marriage; origin and development. 4 The sacred marriage and Solomon's Song of Songs. 5 The sacred marriage; death and resurrection

'Through the identification and restoration of a varied assortment of Sumerian literary compositions inscribed on scores of tablets, Kramer is able to present an authoritative account of the ancient Mesopotamian cult involving the shepherd-god Dumuzi and the goddess Inanna, and an analysis of its central tradition, the Sacred Marriage Rite.'



