Koltuv, Barbara Black

Weaving woman; essays in feminine psychology from the notebooks of a Jungian analyst - York Beach, ME Nicolas-Hays c1990 - x, 123p.; illus.; bibliog. notes

Animus (Psychology) : p57-82.

1 Blood mysteries. 2 Mothers and daughters. 3 Hetairae, Amazons and mediums. 4 Sisters and shadows. 5 Animus: lover and tyrant. 6 Animus development. 7 The stages of animus development. 8 Creativity and achievement. 9 Witch and wisdom

'Koltuv reaffirms the re-emergence of feminine values in our society, and discusses the transformation process by which women can come to trust their own authority. She draws from ancient myths, biblical accounts, and dreams....'




Mythology--Psychological Aspects
Psychoanalysis and literature
Jungian psychology
Animus (Psychoanalysis)
Types, Feminine Structural
Feminine Principle
Witch Archetype
Mothers and Daughters