Huxley, Francis

The eye; the seer and the seen - London/New York Thames and Hudson c1990 - 96p.; ill.; bibliog. - (Art and imagination) .

Dreams : p46-9.

1 Eye and the eye-spot. 2 Plates: the centre of origination. 3 Entoptics. 4 The sun-like eye. 5 The eye-juggler. 6 The trickster. 7 The pupil. 8 The mermaid's mirror. 9 The eye of water. 10 Plates: the watchful eye. 11 The dragon's eye. 12 The eye of the seer. 13 Dreams, revelation and nightmare. 14 The eye of the great being. 15 Plates: the eye of violence. 16 The island of fire. 17 The glory. 18 The fish. 19 The eye-goddess. 20 The evil eye. 21 The third eye. 22 Plates: the opened eye of the inner light. 23 The eye of reason and the rainbow. 24 Sources and further reading

'The eye sees light, but it is by its own light that it knows what it looks at. The eye is a fire, is the sun, the center of origination and the light of reason; and again, it is the Evil Eye...In nature, in dreams, in art, in legends from around the world and in many forms of mysticism, the eye--mirror of divinity--reflects our gaze inwards in search of the self and the Great Being who sees all.; with 129 illus., 16 in color.'

Paperback (Katerbound)



Eye--Religious aspects
Symbolism of Body
Jungian psychology
Dream interpretation