Dieckmann, Hans

Methods in analytical psychology; an introduction - Wilmette, IL Chiron Publications c1991 - xi, 226p.; illus.; bibliog.; index

Analytical Psychology and Dreams : p109-122.. Types, Psychological : p193-208.. Freud, Sigmund. 1856-1939 : see index.. Analytical Psychology - Case Studies : see index under case examples.. Dieckmann, Hans : see index. Orig. pub. as Methoden der Analytische Psychologie: eine Einfuhrung, Olten, Walter Verlag, c1979. Trans. by Boris Matthews.

1 The problem of method and technique in analytical psychology. 2 The initial interview. 3 Frequency of sessions. 4 Couch versus chair. 5 Fee and methods of payment. 6 The analytic ritual. 7 Methods of working with various age groups. 8 On the methodology of dream interpretation. 9 The method of association and amplification. 10 Analytic distance. 11 Transference and countertransference. 12 Problems of interpretation in the analytic process. 13 Active imagination. 14 Psychological tykpes in the methodology of analysis




Active imagination
Archetype (Psychology)
Ego (Psychology)
Individuation (Psychology)
Dream interpretation
Jungian psychology
Jungian psychology
Jungian psychology
Typology (Psychology)
Symbolism of Dog
Transference and Countertransference
Midlife--Psychological aspects
Freud, Sigmund. 1856-1939
Jungian Analysts
Fordham, Michael, 1905-
Dieckmann, Hans

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