Pedersen, Loren E

Dark hearts; the unconscious forces that shape men's lives - Boston/London Shambhala c1991 - xii, 247p.; bibliog. notes; bibliog.; index

Father Archetype : Sons and their fathers., p137-162.. Initiation Rites and Ceremonies : p88-94; p103-111.. Hero Archetype : Myths, initiation rites, and masculinity., p94-103.. Oedipus Complex : The Oedipal wound., p113-135.. Shadow (Psychology) : see index.. Freud, Sigmund. 1856-1939 : see index.. Analytical Psychology and Dreams : see index.

1 Anima: men and their inner women. 2 The emergence of the Great Mother. 3 Myths, initiation rites, and masculinity. 4 The Oedipal wound. 5 Sons and their fathers. 6 Man the slayer: the dark side of masculinity. 7 Men's sense of love




Masculinity (Psychology)
Anima (Psychoanalysis)
Jungian psychology
Father Archetype
Initiation Rites and Ceremonies
Archetype (Psychology)
Oedipus Complex
Shadow (Psychology)
Freud, Sigmund. 1856-1939
Jungian psychology
Dream interpretation