Jaffe, Aniela

The myth of meaning - NY G. P. Putnam's Sons c1971 - 186p; bibliog. notes;bibliog.

Archetypes : p14-25, 29-49.. Psyche, Objective : p14-25, 29-49.. Individuation Process and Symbols : p76-94, 112-21.. Jung, Carl Gustav. 1875-1961 -- Answer To Job : p101-11.. Consciousness : p138-53. Trans. by R. F. C. Hull. Originally pub. in German under the title ``Der Mythus vom Sinn im Werk von C. G. Jung'' (Rascher, Zurich). Pub. for the C. G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology.

1 The theme. 2 The unconscious and the archetype. 3 Jung's method and stykle. 4 The hidden reality. 5 Inner experience. 6 Individuation. 7 Good and evil. 8 Answer to Job. 9 The individuation of mankind. 10 Man in the work of redemption. 11 The one reality. 12 The individual. 13 Meaning as the myth of consciousness



Meaning (Psychological)
Jungian psychology
Archetype (Psychology)
Psyche, Objective
Individuation (Psychology)
Jung, C.G. (Carl Gustav) 1875-1961--Works--Answer to Job