Tillich, Paul

The courage to be - 24th printing, 1965 - New Haven, CT Yale University Press c1952 - ix, 197p.; index

Based on the Terry Lectures delivered at Yale University

1 Being and courage. 2 Being, nonbeing, and anxiety. 3 Pathological anxiety, vitality, and courage. 4 Courage and participation (The courage to be as a part). 5 Courage and individualization (The courage to be as oneself). 6 Courage and transcendence (The courage to accept acceptance)

'In agreement with the stipulation of the Terry Foundation that the lectures shall be concerned with "religion in the light of science and philosophy" I have chosen a concept in which theological, sociological, and philosophical problems converge, the concept of "courage." Few concepts are as useful for the analysis of the human situation. Courage is an ethical reality, but it is rooted in the whole breadth of human existence and ultimately in the structure of being itself. It must be considered ontologically in order to be understoood ethically.' --P. 1

