Mitchell, Rie Rogers

Sandplay : one hero's journey (preadolescent male) - Los Angeles Xeroxed typescript 1992 - iv, 53p.; ill.; bibliog.; addendum

Prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirements for member5ship in the International Society for Sandplay Therapy.

'This case study analyzes 16 sand trays created over a period of nearly five years by David, who was 7.8 years old and in the second grade when he began therapy. During his journey, he moved from a deeply enmeshed position in his family to become more differentiated and independent. He struggled with difficult regressive forces: his mother's fear and overprotectiveness, his father's anger and rejection of David's timidity in the world, and his own sensitive nature and strong intuitive connection to his mother.'



Sandplay--Case studies
Symbolism (Psychology)